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Government out to harness the power of digital technology

Prime Cabinet Secretary Mr. Musalia Mudavadi has said that the government is out to harness the power of technology and digital innovation for efficient service delivery.

Mudavadi said by embracing new technologies the government is seeking to make its interactions with the public more efficient, less bureaucratic and cut down corruption.

He said that Kenya’s digital transformation seeks to strengthen the economy and create a more equitable society by increasing efficacy and efficiency of government functions.

The Prime CS said there is an urgent need for government services and processes to incorporate technology into their service delivery to make it better, adding that embracing digital technology is essential for Kenya’s long term socio-economic growth and competitiveness.

Mudavadi said the country is turning its focus on technology to create jobs, offer essential government services and better sectors like education, agriculture and healthcare.

He said the government will use digital technologies to transform sectors such as Agriculture, education, healthcare and financial services to bolster digital economies.

Mudavadi noted that digitization is accelerating globally and digital public services have become even more critically important to governments the world over.

“The so-called fourth industrial revolution is upon us and thus digitization is key in ensuring inclusive economic growth, job creation and enhanced service delivery,” he said, adding that digital technologies will continue to be a key part of Kenya’s development agenda.

He was speaking at the Diamonds Leisure Beach and Golf Resort in Kwale county when he officially opened the ICT Connected Summit 2023 running under the theme ‘Digital Economy: “Endless Opportunities Shaping Our Future”.

The annual Connected Summit is a gathering of regional and global ICT industry leaders, policymakers, executives, financiers, and innovators.

Mudavadi was accompanied by Cabinet Secretary for Information, Communication and the Digital Economy Mr. Eliud Owalo, Principal Secretary for ICT and The Digital Economy Eng John Tanui and the Principal Secretary, the State Department of Broadcasting and Telecommunications Prof Edward Kisiang’ani.

Others who attended the high-powered ICT conference are ICT Authority Chief Executive Officer Stanley Kamanguya, ICTA board chairman Sylvanus Maritim and Elgeyo Marakwet Governor Wesley Rotich who is also the chair of Council of Governors ICT Committee.

The Prime Cabinet Secretary said digital technologies are changing the landscape of the global economy and that Kenya cannot afford to lag behind.

“Digital transformation should be the driving force for innovative, inclusive and sustainable growth since innovation and digitization stimulate job creation, reduce poverty and inequality,” he said.

He noted, “We want digital technologies to become the way of life for every citizen after obtaining new knowledge and mastering new technologies and thus create a more competitive citizen for the global labour market.”

Mudavadi said the government will ensure an efficient level of cyber security and protection of personal data and promote digital ethics. “Digital economy presents significant opportunities for job creation, entrepreneurship and opportunities for innovation and problem solving for Kenyans,” he said.

He said some of the leading government projects that have links with the annual connected summit include the Kenya Open Data Initiative, Huduma Centres which has transformed public service delivery, E-Citizen Portal, The Digital Literacy Programme, The National Optic Fibre Backbone Infrastructure (NOFBI) among other initiatives.

On his part, Owalo said the government is pressing ahead with plans to lay an additional 100,000 kilometres of the national fibre-optic network, adding that the government is also setting up public WiFi hotspots in various markets and bus terminus across the 47 counties in a bid to drive up internet uptake at the grassroots.

Owalo said that by investing in digital infrastructure, developing a vibrant tech start up ecosystem and promoting digital literacy and skills development, the country can position itself as a leader in the use of digital technologies and attract new investment and opportunities.

“The government is also moving with speed to promote digital skills development and education through projects like Ajira and Jitume that targets the youth,” said Owalo, adding that the government is prioritizing the promotion of increased digital literacy.

He said digital technologies have the power to transform the economy from a resource -based to knowledge-based economy and that Kenya must not be left behind in accelerating its technological development potential to sustain its growth.

Owalo said the twin digital portals are currently running across the country and seeks to help young people get the required skills to secure jobs online and reach their full potential.

He said the digital projects in the long run will ensure Kenya becomes a destination of choice for skilled online workers besides tackling unemployment.

Owalo noted that the country has experienced a digital technology growth by leaps and bounds and that there is no turning back in the march towards a skill-based economy to close the digital divide.

He said the government is rolling out ICT Master Plan (2022-2032) anchored on four pillars of digital infrastructure, digital services and data management, digital skills and innovations and enterprise and digital business.

Owalo added that the master plan seeks to provide the roadmap for the structured delivery of ICT and create a digital society and economy that is able to exploit the national, regional and global opportunities presented by the dynamic sector.

 By Hussein Abdullahi

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