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Free medical camp benefits thousands

Thousands of residents from Thika East were treated to free medical services after various organization hosted a camp for less fortunate members of the society.

The medical camp brought together various stakeholders in the health sector, among them officials from Thika Level 5 hospital, Lions Club of Thika, Sisters of Mercy among others.

According to Thika Level 5 Board member Caroline Mukami, the rising cost of living had caused many individuals to refrain from seeking medical services due to financial constraints with majority opting to self-medicate which was dangerous for their health and well-being.

“This is our community and we are a referral hospital, so we want to see how we can give better services to the people at the grassroots level.

This kind of camp also brings awareness on the issues faced by the people on the ground, which helps us collect data on the services that are urgently needed.

We plan to make this an annual event and we are optimistic that this partnership will grow so we can have the necessary resources desired for the services required,” Mukami said.

“A major part of the reason why medical care is not affordable in the country is because of the high cost of medicine, as most medicines are imported.

I strongly believe that a lot of pharmaceutical supplies can be manufactured in the country which will go a long way in reducing the cost of purchase for individuals seeking medical care.

We urge the government to come up with policies that support local pharmaceutical manufacture to help us contribute more effectively to the country’s universal healthcare coverage,” she observed.

Speaking to KNA, Emma Wathoni, a resident of the area said she was grateful for the services that she received.

“It has been raining and the weather has changed, so there are a lot of infections that are going around. I’ve brought my son who is 3 years old to the pediatric ENT clinic as he was quite unwell and I couldn’t afford proper medical care, seeing as I am a casual farm labourer earning Sh300 a day. My son has been treated and given medicine.

We have also received care baskets containing maize flour, rice, sugar and beans which will feed us for a week or so,” she said.

The camp took place at St Immaculate hospital in Kilimambogo in an effort to offer quality free medical services to residents in the sub-county who have challenges accessing health care. The specialists available focused on Ear, Throat and Nose ailments, eye infections, dermatological issues and various chest illnesses.

By Hellen Lunalo

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