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Families marooned by floods in Likuyani

Some 15 households along Kipsangui stream in Lupele village, Likuyani Sub County have been displaced after the stream burst its banks due to the current heavy rains pounding the area.
The families with a population of over 120 members have been forced to abandon their homes and seek refuge in various churches in the area after their homesteads were flooded.
Speaking to KNA, some of the victims confirmed that their houses had been swept away by the raging floods and also animals, crops and property worth millions of shillings lost.
And as the affected flood victims flee upstream for their dear lives, it is feared that property which is being left behind could be submerged by the heavy floods.
The victims, who have been sheltered at PEFA and Joy Baptized churches, have sent a distress call for humanitarian assistance from both the national and county governments, the Kenya Red Cross and all other well-wishers, saying most of them are now grappling with problems of shelter, hunger, clothing and diseases due to poor environmental conditions.

Area Assistant Chief Cornelius Luseno, who visited the displaced families, said no deaths had been reported in the flooded area.
He said that he had advised the neighboring residents to also move to safer grounds as the government works out a viable solution, adding that he had forwarded information about the situation to relevant authorities.
By Sammy Mwibanda

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