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Elgeyo Marakwet to conduct animal vaccination exercise

The department of veterinary services in Elgeyo Marakwet is set to vaccinate more than 30,000 sheep and goats before the end of February.

According to Susan Kurui, Marakwet East Veterinary Officer, the vaccination against Petes-de Petits Ruminants [PPR] and Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia [CCPP] will be undertaken in Marakwet West and Marakwet East sub counties.

He said the vaccines were ready and resources are being mobilized to kick start the exercise so as to cushion the farmers from further losses.

He noted that farmers have lost about 150 goats and sheep to the suspected PPR and many small goats and lambs have died due to worm infestation.

The veterinary officer clarified that due to the infestation, young animals cannot fight infections due to their weak immunity.

He called on farmers to carry out routine deworming after every three months to assist in upgrading their animal’s health while advising them to dip cattle at least twice a week as a control measure against tick borne diseases.

He urged farmers to come to the veterinary officers for correct information about animal diseases instead of getting false information from other sources.

He told them to liaise with livestock and veterinary officers in the sub county on the best animal husbandry practices and what to do to have healthy animals and livestock.

By Rennish Okong’o









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