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Elder handed 30 years imprisonment for defiling granddaughter

A Loitoktok court has sentenced an elder who allegedly defiled his 3- year- old granddaughter to serve 30 years in jail.

Principal Magistrate Judicaster Nthuku found George Kuria Njoroge guilty of defiling the minor on December 24, 2022, at Kangundo village in Loitoktokt Sub County.

While testifying before the court, Naomi Wairimu, grandmother to the child, narrated how on the material day she left the girl under the care of the convict and proceeded to market.

On coming back at around 7 p.m., she said she found the girl sleeping on a couch and took her to bed. The following morning, she realised she was unwell and ate very little.

The girl also allegedly went to her bedroom complaining of pain in her private parts and upon inquiry, she revealed how Kuria defiled her and threatened to kill her if she revealed the matter to anyone.

Shocked, Wairimu confronted the accused, who became violent and started acting like a mad person. She said she then accompanied the complainant to Loitoktok police station to report the matter.

The victim was later taken to Loitoktok Sub County Hospital for a medical examination, where it was established that her private parts had been badly damaged. The accused was later arrested and charged with the offence, which he, however, denied.

In his defence, the accused denied defiling his granddaughter, though he admitted to having spent the day at home on the day the minor was sexually abused.

The court found the prosecution had proved the case beyond reasonable doubt, hence the sentence.

The accused has 14 days to appeal against the sentence.

By Kimani Tirus and Stephen Lemein

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