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County to Prioritizes Vocational Training for Job Market Relevance

The County Government of Bomet has taken a significant step in addressing unemployment challenges by initiating a vocational training program aimed at equipping instructors with the necessary skills to train learners for competency-based jobs.

County Chief Officer (CO) for ICT, Stella Rotich, highlighted the pivotal role of vocational training in addressing unemployment rates, particularly among the youth.

“Vocational training plays an integral role in the dynamic job market by equipping learners with hands-on skills that are key to addressing unemployment rates due to lack of market-demand skills among the youth,” affirmed Rotich.

Ms Rotich made the remarks during the opening of a four-day training that focuses on Curriculum Based Education Training (CBET) for principals and instructors from the county’s 33 Vocational Training Centers (VTCs). The workshop is being conducted by the TVET Curriculum Development, Assessment, and Certification Council (TVET CDACC).

The CO further emphasized the significance of CBET in shaping the future of vocational training and pledged robust support for integrating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) programs into CBET curricula.

“Vocational training centers play an integral role in shaping the dynamic job markets by equipping learners with the technical skills needed to address unemployment in the country,” stated Ms. Rotich. ”

“The County government is well-prepared to support these institutions, and we are going to incorporate ICT programs into CBET programs.”

Dr. John Keter, Chief Officer for Education and Vocational Training, reiterated the County government’s commitment to revamping curriculum across all VTCs, to enhance learners’ employability in the job market.

“This inaugural training in Bomet is of paramount importance as the government has prioritized technical and vocational education in its manifesto. This initiative is crucial in preparing our instructors, to evaluate and educate learners for competency-based roles,” stated Dr. Keter.

Alphonce Kimutai Kirui, the County Director of Vocational Training, echoed the sentiments, emphasizing the significance of the initiative in aligning vocational education with market demands.

“The County Government’s commitment to vocational training is evident through initiatives like this,” noted Kirui adding: “By equipping instructors with the skills needed to train learners for competency-based jobs, we are ensuring that our workforce meets the needs of the evolving job market.”

The training, facilitated by TVET CDACC, seeks to equip instructors with the requisite skills to effectively train learners for competency-based jobs, thus contributing to reducing unemployment and fostering economic growth in the County.

By Lamech Willy

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