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County may experience low voter turn-out due to drought  

With only 13 days remaining for Kenyans to go to the Polls, Kajiado leaders are concerned that the registered voters in Kajiado will not be able to vote due to the ongoing drought situation in the County.

Led by Kajiado Governor, Joseph Ole Lenku, the leaders said that the pastoralists have relocated far away from their polling stations, thus making it impossible for them to vote.

“Most of the pastoralists have been forced to move together with their livestock to Narok County in search of water and pasture and this makes them far from their respective polling stations,” said Lenku

The Governor, therefore, wants the National Government to act swiftly and provide hay and water for the animals.

The Governor noted that the ongoing drought is proving to be a major challenge not only to livestock, but also to people as it has left many Kajiado residents in dire need of relief food.

A spot check by KNA revealed that Kajiado East, South and Central Sub- Counties are the worst hit by the ongoing drought.

Only frail animals which could not relocate with the others are in the bomas. The farmers have no alternative but to zero graze them which is both labour intensive and expensive.

Benson Lemein, one of the livestock farmers in Matapato Ward, Kajiado Central Constituency said he is now forced to buy hay and animal feeds for his frail animals which could not relocate together with the rest due to their condition.

“The government should give subsidies on animal feeds and provide us with hay and water as it has become very expensive for us to manage the animals,” said Lemein

According to the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA), Kajiado County is among 17 out of 23 Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) counties most affected by drought.

Some of the counties worst affected by drought are Wajir, Marsabit, Mandera, Isiolo, Baringo, Laikipia, Turkana and Samburu. Others are Garissa, Tana River, Kwale, Kilifi, Kitui, Lamu, Meru (North), Nyeri (Kieni) and West Pokot.

By Diana Meneto 

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