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County kicks off development of Urban Economic Plan

The process of developing an Urban Economic Plan (UEP) for Kerugoya/Kutus Municipality in Kirinyaga County has kicked off.
The commencement event that was held in Kerugoya Monday brought together stakeholders from both the private and the public sector.
The process is expected to give the county its first ever urban economic plan within the next eight months.
The plan, which is being developed through a partnership between Kirinyaga County Government and UKAID funded Sustainable Urban Economic Development (SUED) Program, will carry the vision and objectives of Kerugoya/Kutus Municipality and define its economic sector action plans, value chain development and priority infrastructure projects.
Area governor Anne Waiguru has said that the development of an UEP is a historic event since the fast-growing Municipality will now have a plan that will promote economic growth in a sustainable and inclusive manner through prioritized integrated projects.
She pointed out that among the value chain projects to be undertaken through SUED will be a husks factory that will be a source of employment and also help in adding value to byproducts of various agricultural produce, especially as rice.
She added that the plan will also enable the government to prioritize and implement the projects that have maximum benefits for the residents and those that will ensure the desired economic future in Kirinyaga.
“We are very happy to be among the only 12 municipalities out of 59 that were selected for SUED funding that will enable impactful projects in the county,” said Waiguru.
The SUED Deputy Team Leader Monica Motshegwe, said that the UEP will include projects that will be identified during stakeholder engagement forums which will be all inclusive to accommodate the social economic dynamics in the county.


 By Irungu Mwangi

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