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County hold discussion with Boitekanelo College to establish a medical institution

Migori County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Health Services Mr Caleb Opondi has said that Migori County will welcome any discussions to establish a partnership with a private health college from Botswana.

Speaking at his office after meeting Dr. Tiro Mampane, President and Founder of Boitekanelo College-a private medical institution based in Botswana, Opondi said that the discussions were centred on partnership with the institution to establish a campus in Migori.

Opondi noted that the initiative to hold consultations between the two parties was a positive indication that the county had the potential to host the facility.

The official pointed out that the county was willing to allocate land for the health institution if the decisions were actualized.

“Our county will reap hugely if the Boitekanelo College provides a learning centre for our medical students as well as creates job opportunities among the youths”, noted Opondi.

He also admitted that the institution will benefit from a robust partnership with the Migori County Referral Hospital and other nearby health institutions to equip the Boitekanelo college-medical institution with the necessary support it may need.

“We are in a serious decision and consultation to welcome Boitekanelo College-medical institution to be established here in Migori to support and realise a dream of an international medical school within our region”, said Opondi.

The President and Founder of Boitekanelo College Dr. Tiro Mampane however confirmed that they will continue with their feasibility study, do more consultations and establish a way forward for any considerations.

Mampane said that the warm welcome he received from the county gave him a positive opportunity to establish the institution in the county.

If the institution is established, it will set up a professional education medical college to provide education opportunities to students of this region as well as create job opportunities for the youth.

Mampane also disclosed that the institution will be able to do exchange programmes as well as provide research opportunities, culture exchange and best medical practices.

The General Secretary of Kenya Union of Clinical Officers (KUCO) George Kibore who accompanied Dr. Tiro Mampane said that if the institution is established, priorities should be given to training of medical students and staff to ensure a quality start.

Kibore said that health is about quality and health has gone global where every opportunity should be grabbed.

By Geoffrey Makokha

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