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County hits 250, 000 mark in Huduma Namba registration

Over  250, 000 people in Taita-Taveta County have registered for Huduma Namba even as government urged for extensive mobilization to have all residents captured in the system during the ongoing exercise.

The  State Department of East  Africa Community (EAC) Principal Secretary, Dr. Margaret Mwakima said the county was doing well but said there was need for more efforts to encourage those still reluctant to take the number.

She said that the government was keen on centralising and integrates all information about its citizens and foreigners to enhance service delivery.

Speaking  in  Taveta  during a drive to officially launch the Huduma Number registration initiative in the county, the PS  said  foreigners  in the border town were required to acquire proper immigration documents for them to get Huduma Namba.

She added that the number would be seamlessly integrated into a centralised system to enhance and boost planning processes.

“The number is for your own good. It will make work easier for government and allow services to get to the people at the  grassroots without any obstacles,” she said.

The  event was also attended by County Commissioner (CC), Rhoda Onyancha, Deputy County Commissioners (DCC), Joseph Lewa,  Voi; Stanley Kamande, Taveta; Francis Kazungu, Taita and Mwatate’s, Gladys Kimondo.

The  PS  further asked preachers and pastors in the region to demystify the Huduma Namba in churches to allay fears  it was associated with the biblical end-of-time number.

Taita-Taveta County  has a target to register 390,000 people in the next one-and-half weeks when the exercise comes to completion.

The  CC  said  she  was  confident  the county  target  will be met, saying  that  village elders  and  chiefs  were

aggressively  getting  people in the villages to register.

She further cautioned residents against paying for registration papers stating the exercise was free for all Kenyans.

“No one should pay anything to be registered. This exercise is catered and fully paid for by the government,” she stated.

There  have  been  claims that  some unscrupulous Huduma Namba agents have been demanding for money to print the  registration forms ; an act the CC said  will  not be tolerated as it was a violation of rules of registration.

She  said such cases should be reported for action.

By  Wagema  Mwangi

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