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Compassion Kenya rolls out initiative to support vulnerable children

A movement to spearhead the empowerment of vulnerable children and households in Transmara has been launched.

Narok Green Account Initiative (NGAI) formed under the umbrella of Compassion Kenya, has set sights to kill two birds using one stone.

Immediately after being launched, the Movement rolled out plans to empower vulnerable children and lift the living standards of needy households by planting trees and selling seedlings.

Speaking after presiding over the launch of the Initiative at Enenkeshui in Pirarr Division, Transmara West Assistant County Commissioner Mr. Brian Wafula welcomed the initiative saying that it has come at the right time when the government has set sights on planting more than 15 billion trees by 2032.

Wafula informed that the movement will greatly help the government in the achievement of its intention to reduce greenhouse emissions, stop and reverse deforestation besides restoring 5.1 million hectares of deforested and degraded landscapes.

Urging the public to join and support the bandwagon, Wafula said through the initiative, vulnerable children from humble backgrounds will have a ground to fulfill their academic dreams.

“The government appreciates and welcomes such initiatives which in one way or another will help in the achievement of the set goals. Formation of NGAI has come at the right time for it will boost the government’s set objectives of painting the country greener,” he said.

On behalf of Compassion Kenya, the Director of Masurura Child Development Centre Mr. Zakayo Leshao urged residents to plant more trees for prosperity.

“In as much as we are out to make Transmara greener, we want to assist vulnerable children to get means of supporting themselves to achieve their academic dreams by planting trees,” he said.

“No child will fail to go to school when the planted trees mature; besides we are setting up nurseries where we are going to raise seedlings which can be sold to help these children,” he said.

Leshao challenged the public to take a front seat in the sustainability of the environment by taking advantage of the available rains to plant more trees.

By Isaiah Nayika

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