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Community service learning

Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) in partnership with the Ministry of Education has embarked on a programme dubbed Community Service Learning (CSL) as the first component of implementing the Competence Based Curriculum in secondary schools.

Community service learning programme is intended to equip learners with skills to enable them use their talents to turn around problems into solutions.

KICD Assistant Director Johnston Ochuma said that the CLS is anchored in the new curriculum to phase-out the 8-4-4 system of education to enable students acquire basic skills that can help them to be self-reliant after their basic education course.

Ochuma further stated that CLS will also enable students to change their attitude and use their talents in community development services.

The Director made these remarks Monday during a project exhibition by different schools at Ombogo Girls’ Secondary School in Rangwe constituency, where he added that the new curriculum is focusing on skill based rather than theory aspect that is in the 8-4-4 system where students are tested through national examinations.

On her part, Quality Assurance and Standards Assistant Director Salome Winya said that the program enables the students to acquire practical skills through knowledge and change of attitude instead of learning relying on theories that some learners do not understand during their study circle.

Some of the students who show-cased their projects during the exhibition welcomed the program saying it will help them once they are out of school to turn problems into solutions in the community.

By Ann Onyango/Davis Langat

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