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Civil Servants urged to execute duties accountably and impartially

Vihiga County Commissioner (CC) Felix Watakila has appealed to civil servants to execute their duties and responsibilities accountably and impartially to the optimal satisfaction of the citizenry.

Mr. Watakila stated that public officers have been entrusted with roles and functions which they have to carry out on the behalf of the government including provision of services and implementation of development programmes.

The County Commissioner, addressing a county public participation on the Medium-Term Budget Making Process (MTBMP) forum for 2024/25-2025/26, cautioned them against misappropriation of public funds as well as practicing or abetting graft in the service.

The administrator lamented that unethical practices such as bribery, nepotism, favouritism and cronyism have badly eroded the confidence of the masses in public service and greatly tainted the image of the government in general.

The participants lauded the national government for ensuring that the budget making process is citizen-centric by allowing every stakeholder to be represented.

They highlighted the areas they want the budget statement to capture in the various sub sectors of the economy for the realization of socio-economic development.

Agriculture, energy, education, health and environment were listed as priority sectors while the Information, Communications and Technology (ICT) was considered an enabler for efficient and effective provision of services across the board.

By Sammy Mwibanda

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