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Outcry over murder of elderly on sorcery claims.

The rising killings of grey-haired elders in Kwale County over witchcraft accusations has raised a fresh chorus of public disapproval with authorities admitting the motive of the crime is unclear

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Use culture to foster peaceful co-existence, Hassan Noor

Communities living in Tana River County have been urged to use cultural festivals to foster peaceful co-existence among themselves to spur development. Speaking in Madogo, Bura Constituency during the Wailwana Cultural

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15th, edition Tecla Lourupe peace race held in Kapenguria

Michael Kibet  from West Pokot and Nancy Jelagat from Elgeyo Marakwet   braved Saturday morning's cold  weather conditions  to win the fifteenth  edition of Tegla Loroupe Peace race in the 10 kilometer men and women race. In

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