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Bomet County, Greece partner in trade and education

Bomet County Government and the Republic of Greece have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to become equal partners in trade and education.

The agreement was sealed in Bomet Governor’s office during a meeting between Governor Prof Hillary Barchok, and the Consulate for Kenya in the Greek Government, Vicky Pantazopoulou.

Speaking after the signing of the agreement, Prof Barchok said the partnership has opened an express market for agricultural produce from Bomet County including avocado, coffee, tea and cactus fruits.

Prof Barchok said the Greek market was an entry point into the European market that would see Bomet farmers benefit more from better prices for their crops, especially tea and coffee which have lately faced dwindling global prices.

He said the window also opened opportunities for business people with special focus given to women in business where the Greek Government would offer technical support to various ventures undertaken by women in the County.

“We all know that Greece is well off in terms of technology and they have agreed to support us in both farming and business to enable us work efficiently so as to maximize on profits due to lowered cost of production,” he said.

The Governor at the same time said the parties agreed to have an exchange programme between the University of Athens and Bomet University where students from both sides were set to benefit in terms of how to address challenges facing the agricultural sector by use of modern technology.

Ms Pantazopoulou said the process of the partnership was successful and promising while tangible results of the agreement were expected if both parties ensured they held on with resolute commitment.

She said the collaboration was feasible, especially due to the fact that both parties depended on agriculture as the chief driver of their economies.

She urged the Bomet County Assembly to pass the necessary legislation that would facilitate the collaboration through budgetary allocation as well as the much-needed legislative framework.

By Kipngeno Korir

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