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Baringo, West Pokot dusk to dawn curfew extended

The state has extended the dusk to dawn curfew in parts of Baringo, Elgeyo Marakwet and West Pokot counties for another 30 days so as to boost security in the area.

Speaking at Narok Teachers Training College today, the Rift Valley Regional Commissioner Maalim Mohamed said a lot of fruits were born during the 30 days’ curfew that was imposed on 7th June, 2022 as many weapons were recovered and peace restored in the area.

However, he said the security details are also trailing bandits believed to have escaped to parts of Turkana South, Turkana East and Pokot North sub counties.

The RC commended the security team on the ground for working to restore peace asking them to continue imposing the 6pm to 6 am curfew.

The RC who was accompanied by the regional security team assured the cosmopolitan region of boosted security during this season when the country is heading to election.

During the curfew hours, the RC said only the security officers and specialized groups like health officials and licensed media houses are allowed to move past the curfew hours.

The areas affected were: the entire Tot ward with eight locations, six locations in Chesongoch ward, and Kapyego location, Chesuman and Arror locations in Elgeyo Marakwet County.

In Baringo County, Tiaty Sub-County will be affected. Baringo North will be partly affected in the areas of Sibilo, Yatya and Kinyach. In West Pokot, Chesegon and Sigor wards will be affected.

Among notable insecurity incidents reported in the region include an attack on school buses ferrying students from Tot High School in February which left 8 students injured.

Mohamed is in Narok County to inspect government projects implemented by the National Government and to assess security situation in the county.

By Ann Salaton

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