Home > Counties > Kilifi > Ban on disco matanga to remain in force throughout December holidays

Ban on disco matanga to remain in force throughout December holidays

Disco equipment owners risk having their machines impounded if they flout the existing ban on disco matanga in Kaloleni Sub County in the remaining period of the school holidays.

Giving  the advance warning, Kaloleni Deputy County Commissioner (DCC), Paul Rotich said that there are several music equipment which have been confiscated and retained in his office waiting for the owners who would face possible prosecution for defying the order.

He said the government has directed that music be played during the daytime from 6.00am in the morning to 6.00pm in the evening upon when mourners, among them minors are expected to go back to their homes.

Rotich  was  speaking during the launch of 16 days of activism on gender issues by the County executive member for gender, social services, culture and sports, Ms. Maureen Mnyazi Mwangovya at Kaloleni youth polytechnic.

He said despite critics by a section of the political leadership that the ban has had no impact on the reported cases of defilement, there has been tremendous reduction on cases of defilements and pregnancies in the area.

Ms. Mwangovya lauded the ban on disco matanga, saying that social workers would visit homesteads to sensitize parents and children on the need for behavioral change for the better during the 16 days’ activism in the Sub County.

She said parents have a big role to play throughout the two months’ holiday if they expected the girl child to transit to the next level of education revealing that should they abdicate their role, their children would only end up with pregnancies in the streets next year.

A section of the political class among them Kaloleni Ward MCA, Yassin Mohamed Noordin and his Mwanamwinga counterpart, Pascal Tuva  Jacob faulted the government’s move to ban discos alleging that since the ban, there has been no impact as the teenage girls have continued to face defilements and pregnancies.

By  Harrison  Yeri

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