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188 households in Makueni  displaced by flash floods

Over 188 households in Makueni County have been displaced by flash floods in Makueni County following heavy rains being experienced in the area.

The floods have washed away property and crops from 108 families whose value is yet to be quantified as per the report released by the Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) Makueni.

The worst hit constituencies are Kibwezi West with 54 households, Kaiti 39, Kilome 35, Makueni 30, Mbooni 22 and Kibwezi East 8 which totaling to 752 people displaced so far.

“The effects of El Nino rains have led to the destruction of property, roads, loss of livelihoods-farming, shelter, disrupted local markets and transport and communication in the affected areas,” said Makueni County Red Cross Coordinator Evans Peter in a County Steering Group (CSG) Committee meeting in the County Commissioner’s board room in Wote Town on Friday.

“One body of the two people who were washed away at River Kavuti a week ago was recovered on Thursday at Athi River.  20 goats and 30 chickens have drowned in Mukaa and Kasikeu. We have also evacuated livestock to higher places.,” he added.

The meeting was co-chaired by the Acting County Commissioner (CC) Mr Moses Gicharu and Makueni County Deputy Governor (DG) Lucy Mulili.

The members who are drawn from various departmental heads from both levels of government and Non-government organizations, were told that the people in the evacuation centres need food and non-food items urgently.

On health, the coordinator said that hygiene was a concern after toilets were submerged and the water supply contaminated increasing the risk of waterborne diseases, especially cholera.

The report has recommended an immediate adequate food supply besides attending to vulnerable pregnant women, lactating mothers and children aged five years and below.

The emergency team appealed for non-foodstuff items such as beddings, buckets, solar lamps or torches, mosquito nets, utensils, toiletries and sanitary pads, and dry and reliable firewood or charcoal.

Other things required include drums or tanks and gutters to harvest rainwater to provide clean and reliable water free from contamination.

Kawese, St. Patrick’s Primary School Mitini Social Hall and Kyakituku evacuation centres have been activated so far.

On her part, the Deputy Governor said that there was a need to give psych-social support to mothers and children.

While lauding the members for their multi-agency approach that has brought synergy, she challenged each organization to supplement government efforts in a bid to alleviate the suffering of the people in the camps.

“There is a need to work as a team to help the people in the camps,” Mulili said.

Executive Committee Member (ECM) for Devolution Japheth Mang’oka said the county government had provided 100kgs of beans and maize each, 50kgs of sugar, 25kgs of rice, and one carton of milk among other items.

By Patrick Nyakundi

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