Saturday, September 21, 2024
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Migori leaders condemn reckless utterance from Kuria West MP

Migori County leaders and professionals have condemned a reckless utterance by Kuria West MP that police need to ‘shoot to kill’ demonstrators.

Kuria West MP Mathias Robi, a fortnight ago, during a baraza at Kubweye Village, allegedly said police should shoot to kill any protestor that will take part in Wednesday’s (today’s) demonstrations.

Migori County Deputy Governor Dr. Joseph Mahiri termed the utterance reckless and dangerous for fostering unity and peace in the country.

“Every person has a right to picket if both the county and the national governments are not listening to their grievances,” said Mahiri.

Migori-Kuria Alliance official Omahi Mwita also condemned the utterance, saying the politician had no authority or mandate to command the police force.

Migori County Deputy Governor Dr. Joseph Mahiri. He condemned the utterance by Mathias as reckless and dangerous in fostering unity and peace in the county.

Mwita asked the politician to withdraw the utterance and apologise publicly to the Migori people and the entire nation.

“We will not sit down and allow this kind of talk to continue because it may set a very bad example, especially when uttered by a political figure,” he noted.

Migori Muslim Community, led by Abdi Fatah, also voiced their anger and advised the legislator to apologise for the sake of peace.

By Geoffrey Makokha

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