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Over 800,000 people have been vaccinated for Covid-19

A total of 826,617 persons had been vaccinated against the Covid-19 disease countrywide as of Monday April, 2021.

Of these 477,754 are aged 58 years and above, Health workers are 152,809, Teachers 126,801 while Security Officers 69,253.

In a statement giving the Covid-19 situation in the country on Monday, Health Cabinet Secretary, Mutahi Kagwe said that as of Sunday April 25, 2021, a total of 1,080,000 doses had been distributed to the regional depots countrywide leaving a balance of 40,000 doses at the Kitengela Central Vaccines stores.

“The distribution is as follows: Nairobi 393,000, Meru 39,000, Nyeri 84,000, Garissa/Mandera 25,000, Mombasa 66,000, Kakamega 81,000, Nakuru 117,000, Eldoret 129,000, Kisumu 108,000, Military and other government ministries 38,000,” he said.

The CS noted that by Sunday Nairobi led the five top counties that have the highest number of vaccinated persons at 256,282 followed by Nakuru with 54,022, Kiambu 44,876, Uasin Gishu 40,040 and Nyeri with 31,251.

The Counties with lowest numbers of persons vaccinated were Wajir 2,014, Garissa 1,983, Isiolo 1,438, Tana River 732, Lamu 592 and Marsabit 546.

Yesterday, he said, 194 people tested positive to the disease, from a sample size of 1,779 tested.

Total confirmed positive cases therefore stood at 156,981 and cumulative tests so far conducted were 1,646,988, while the positivity rate was at 10.9 per cent

From the cases Monday, 184 were Kenyans while 10 were foreigners. 105 were males and 89 females. The youngest was a Nine-year-old-child while the oldest was 90 years.

Distribution of positive cases by age was as follows; 0-9 years (2), 10-19 years (5), 20-29 years (20), 30-39 years (60), 40-49 years (35), 50-59 years (36), 60 and above (36).

In terms of County distribution Nairobi 115, Kiambu 12, Uasin Gishu 11, Kajiado 9, Embu 8, Kitui 8, Kericho 7, Machakos 6, Trans Nzoia and Nakuru 3 cases each, Nandi, Homa Bay and Kilifi 2 cases each, Kisii, Murang’a, Narok, West Pokot, Kakamega and Bomet 1 case each.

In terms of Sub County distribution; the 115 cases in Nairobi are from Langata (14), Dagoretti North (10), Dagoretti South, Embakasi West and Kibra (8) cases each, Kasarani and Starehe (7) cases each, Embakasi Central, Embakasi East, Embakasi North, Roysambu, Ruaraka and Westlands (6) cases each, Embakasi South and Kamukunji (5) cases each, Mathare (4), Makadara (3).

In Kiambu the 12 cases were from Ruiru (5), Thika (4), Kiambaa (2) and Kiambu Town (1). In Uasin Gishu the 11 cases are from Turbo (5), Kapseret (3), Kesses, Moiben and Soy (1). In Kajiado the 9 cases are from Kajiado Central (7), Kajiado East and Kajiado North (1) case each.

In Embu the 8 cases were from Manyatta (7) and Mbeere South (1). In Kitui the 8 cases were from Kitui South (3), Kitui Central and Kitui East (2) cases each, Kitui Rural (1), In Kericho the 7 cases were from Bureti, Kipkelion East and Sigowet/Soin (2) cases each, Ainamoi (1).

In Machakos the 6 cases were from Machakos Town and Mwala (2) case each, Athi River and Kalama (1) case each. In Trans Nzoia the 3 cases were from Kiminini, Kwanza and Saboti (1) case each. In Nakuru the 3 cases were from Naivasha, Nakuru East and Rongai (1) case each. In Nandi the 2 cases were from Mosop, the 2 cases in Homa Bay were from Ndhiwa and the 2 cases in Kilifi were from Malindi.

The case in Kisii was from Bonchari, the case in Murang’a was from Kiharu, the case in Narok was from Trans Mara, the case in West Pokot was from West Pokot, the case in Kakamega was from Likuyani and the case in Bomet was from Sotik.

Kagwe said that 248 patients had recovered from the disease; 218 from Home Based and Isolation Care and 30 from various health facilities countrywide bringing the total recoveries to 106,836 of which 77,822 were from Home Based Care and Isolation and 29,014 from various health facilities.

“Sadly, 21 deaths have also been reported in the last one month with one having occurred in the last 24hrs and 20 on diverse dates within the month. This now pushes cumulative fatalities to 2,643. Our sincere condolences to families and friends of those who have lost their loved one,” the CS said.

New deaths by age; 0-9 years (1), 10-19 years (0), 20-29 (O), 30-39 years (4), 40-49 years (0), 50-59 years (4), 60 years and above (12).

Cumulative deaths by age; 0-9 years (51), 10-19 years (19), 20-29 (100), 30-39 years (228), 40-49 years (350), 50-59 years (586), 60 years and above (1,309).

A total of 1,417 patients are currently admitted in various health facilities countrywide, while 6,959 patients were on Home Based Isolation and Care. 205 patients were in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), 42 of whom were on ventilatory support and 133 on supplemental oxygen. 30 patients were on observation.

Another 176 patients were separately on supplemental oxygen with 163 of them in general wards and 13 in High Dependency Units (HDU).

By Wangari Ndirangu

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