Investigations into the gruesome murder of a secondary school teacher Saturday evening at Manyatta Makaa area in Marsabit town is on course with two persons having recorded statements with the Department of Criminal Investigations.
Marsabit acting County Commissioner William Kakimon while assuring for justice for the slain teacher also directed that the case be handled by the County Criminal Investigations Officer (CCIO) Bethuel Oburu.
Mr Kakimon said intense investigations into the incident that claimed Mr Jeremiah Hanche, a mathematics and physics teacher at Dakabaricha Secondary School would be both thorough and transparent.
Speaking to residents and leaders led by Saku MP Dido Raso outside the county headquarters, the County Commissioner called for calm saying detectives have crucial leads into the matter.
Mr Kakimon said that a cell phone recovered at the scene was being studied to establish its owner and how it found its way into the deceased’s compound on the fateful night.
Additionally, two spent cartridges recovered at the scene were also being subjected to ballistic examination.

The residents who were joined by Dakabaricha Secondary School community held peaceful demonstrations in Marsabit town before presenting a protest note to the CC calling for action in order to bring the senseless killings to a stop.
The Burji Community Professional’s Association secretary Kura Konse said the local leadership and residents would not rest until justice was delivered to the deceased teacher.
Other stakeholders in the education sector including KNUT and KUPPET decried availability of illegal firearms in wrong hands which they blamed for many unresolved murder cases against teachers and other innocent residents.
The teacher was murdered at the door step of his house within Marsabit’s central business district at around 8.30 pm after unknown armed assailants shot him using an AK 47 rifle.
Mr Raso while calling for calm among irate residents asked the concerned security agents to speed up investigations into the incident.
The legislator cautioned that the murder case must be resolved with the quick arrest and prosecution of the culprits.
“We are pained by plucking off yet another young promising soul from among us” he said adding that early evenings insecurity which has haunted the town for quite some time now has to be addressed.
The CCIO pledged for open and fast investigations and asked those with crucial information into the murder to pass it over to his office for action.
By Sebastian Miriti