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Home > Counties > Legislators challenged to utilize NG-CDF sports allocation to supplement county government’s efforts in nurturing talents

Legislators challenged to utilize NG-CDF sports allocation to supplement county government’s efforts in nurturing talents

Members of parliament from the six constituencies in Siaya County have been challenged to utilize the 2% allocation for sporting activities in the NGCDF kitty to supplement the county government’s efforts in nurturing sporting talents in the region.

According to Central Sakwa Ward    Member of County Assembly Eng. Bismarck Olango, although the allocation has been made available through the NG-CDF Act, some of the legislators from the region have failed to use it for the intended purposes.

With an average annual NG-CDF allocation of Sh 184 million to each constituency, Sh 3.6 million has been earmarked for sporting activities by the NG-CDF Act in each constituency translating to Sh 22 million across the six constituencies in Siaya County.

Eng. Olango observed that whereas MCA’s and also governor James Orengo has been actively promoting sporting activities through tournaments that aid in nurturing and identification of talents, a section of law makers from the region have taken a backseat on sporting activities to the disadvantage of the youth.

“I have personally organized tournaments and supported sporting activities in my ward since 2019 but I can tell you for sure that I have never witnessed NG-CDF kitty support the same here.” Said Eng Olango

Olango added that the situation in Central Sakwa ward is not different from other wards in the county and has therefore asked the legislators to pull up their socks in the area of supporting sporting activities for the benefit of the young people in the region.

The MCA disclosed that the County Assembly of Siaya is currently working on a sports bill which if passed will see increased support of sporting activities by the county government.

The Siaya law maker who was addressing the press at the end of a four-day mini-tournament at Lenya primary school in his ward also asked parents and guardians to give support to their children engaged in sports or any other forms of talents instead of forcing them to only focus on academics.

“I am a strong advocator for education and academics because it has made me what I am today but I recognize that the world is quickly transforming and talent is becoming a big industry. A child with interest in sports should be allowed to do both because even with talents you are required to have gone to school to succeed.” said Eng Olango.

The four-day tournament organised by the area MCA featured soccer and athletic events.

By Brian Ondeng

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