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Feeding Programme boosts enrollment in Kajiado

The school feeding programme plays a critical role in both the education and nutrition of pupils in Kenya.

Many families struggle to provide three daily meals for their children, which adversely affects their growth and education.

In a bid to keep the learners in school, Light Up Hope, a non-governmental organisation, introduced a school feeding programme in Kajiado County in 2022 after many pupils dropped out of school as a result of prolonged drought.

The school feeding programme, which was introduced in 210 public primary schools in the county, supports a total of 79,000 pupils by offering them lunch.

Through the school feeding programme, the pupils eat a balanced diet, thus improving their overall nutrition and health.

According to Moses Murage, the Executive Director of Light Up Hope, enrollment in public primary schools in Kajiado County has been on a steady increase since the introduction of the school feeding programme two years ago.

Murage said the enrollment rate has risen from 84 per cent in 2022 to 97 per cent in 2024, with pupils being retained in class and posting good performance.

“Our organisation is education-focused, and we know that a hungry child cannot focus in class. Once a child is fed well, they are able to concentrate in class, leading to good performance,” he said.

Apart from the feeding programme in Kajiado, Light UP Hope also offers educational scholarships for bright and needy learners, right from primary school to university.

Rebecca Magire noted that the organisation was currently supporting 260 girls in high schools and 100 university students on full scholarship.

She added that most of the girls who have benefited are from underprivileged families, were rescued from early marriages, and were given a chance to continue with their education.

“Education is the main path out of poverty; we seek to alleviate poverty in the country through supporting education progression. We are currently supporting over 200 girls in high school and 100 in universities across the country to enable them to pursue their dreams,” said Magire.

By Rop Janet

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