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Mudavadi assures of govt’s commitment to universal healthcare

The Prime Cabinet Secretary, Musalia Mudavadi, has underlined the government’s commitment to delivering universal health coverage as a key pillar of the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda.

Speaking at the 23rd Kenya Paediatric Association (KPA) Annual Scientific Conference held at Pride Inn Shanzu on Thursday, Mudavadi emphasised that the partnership between the government, health workers, stakeholders, and professionals should not be downplayed despite the ongoing strike.

He regretted, however, that the strike was now on its fifth week and crippled the public health system, leading to immense suffering for Kenyans.

Mudavadi urged Healthcare Sector Stakeholders to align their priorities and commitments with the government’s healthcare agenda to provide affordable, accessible, and quality services to all Kenyans.

“You have a collective responsibility to support the Whole of Government Approach in delivering on your commitment to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for health to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages,” he said.

The PCS applauded the organisers of the conference, highlighting its role in providing a dynamic platform for essential stakeholders in the healthcare sector to exchange the latest insights and contemplate on how data is influencing the provision of health services, especially for children.

“Focusing on the well-being of our children validates our moral obligation to provide an enabling environment for them to grow into healthy and productive citizens. Children are our hope and our future. Every parent, community, and country must protect their rights, including their right to quality healthcare,” he said.

He emphasized that the data collected from research and ongoing interactive networks should guide the government and healthcare sector stakeholders in identifying priority interventions for enhancing people’s access to quality healthcare services.

The Prime CS highlighted that a child who benefits from adequate health, nutrition, early learning opportunities, safety, and a supportive environment is positioned for success, as evidenced by enhanced learning abilities, completion of high school, increased work productivity, and greater earning potential.

“The health of our children is not just a predictor of increased life expectancy but also a predictor of their contribution to our Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Investing in our children, therefore, means shaping our future leaders and our country’s workforce,” he said.

The Prime CS said it was imperative that, even as the focus shifts to the implementation of healthcare programmes, collectively there was a need to exercise responsibility to promote peace and security within societies.

Mudavadi also pointed out that, as much as the world has made a considerable recovery from the impact of COVID-19, emerging regional and global conflicts pose an existential threat to the delivery of quality healthcare services.

In his closing remarks, Mudavadi appreciated KPA’s long-standing commitment, since its inception in 1968, to advance paediatric healthcare in the country and the region.

By Nuru Soud and Fatma Said

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