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Floods displace over 1,700 families in Homa Bay

Over 1,700 families in Karachuonyo Constituency, Homa Bay County, have so far been displaced by floods.

Area County Commissioner Moses Lilan said the majority of the displaced families were inhabitants of Simbi, Kobuya, Chuowe, and Osodo villages.

Lilan said inhabitants of areas adjacent to the rivers Kuja and Oyombe in Ndhiwa constituency, as well as Remba Island in Suba North constituency, have also been affected by floods, adding that about 540 families were displaced from the areas last week.

Lilan said most of the places were flooded after rivers burst their banks and flooded homes. “Floods experienced on Remba Island are a result of the backflow of Lake Victoria. In the other areas, rivers have burst their banks,” Lilan said.

He said displaced families in Karachuonyo were temporarily accommodated at Kobuya and Osodo Primary Schools, as well as Simbi Dispensary.

Briefing the press in his office today, Lilan said that the disaster management committee, which is composed of officials from both the county and national governments, has moved in to help the affected families.

The Kenya Red Cross, he added, has also swiftly established tents in camps.

The Kenya Meteorological Department had earlier issued an alert that more rain was expected in the Nyanza counties.

Lilan said they were sensitising members of the public to be vigilant about the dangers of the heavy rains and to move away from flood-prone areas.

“The disaster management committee members are putting in place measures to mitigate the adverse effects of the floods, including preventing losses and deaths,” he said.

Lilan said families in flood-prone areas should be careful as they go about their daily activities, noting: “National government administration officials are mobilising residents to move out of areas that have been marked as flood-prone areas.”

Kenya Power electricity poles have also been brought down by the floods in the Chuowe area, with Commissioner Lilan saying the parastatal has been instructed to move with speed and repair the damaged lines.

He said anyone passing next to a collapsed power line should be careful.

“We don’t want to witness any electrocution in the areas where power lines have been damaged. Let people also not shelter under trees to avoid injuries and deaths,” he added.

Flood victims Pamela Otieno and Cloy Achieng said that their crops and household items like utensils were swept away by the floods.

“Many of us have lost food items and are unable to cook because of the floods. Life is very miserable.” Otieno said.

The victims called on both the county and the national government to provide them with a long-term solution to the problem. Achieng said the problem has persisted in the area every rainy season.

“Flooding problems are not new in this area. Elected leaders and government officials should intervene in this matter once and for all,” Achieng said.

By Davis Langat

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