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Home > Counties >  Olmsutie-Loita residents decry rampant power blackouts 

 Olmsutie-Loita residents decry rampant power blackouts 

The business community in Olmesutie-loita, Narok south sub county have called on Kenya power and lighting company (KPLC) to address the rampant blackout in the area that have adversely affected businesses.

Speaking to KNA, Leshan Sunkuyia, a barber shop operator in the area said the power blackouts have been quite rampant in the area and it has affected business operations.

Sunkuyia added that the area normally gets power for about a week in a month and when it’s available it is not transmitted in equivalent voltage that is enough to power on electronics machines.

“Power here is not seen daily and sometimes we can only get power for about one week and in that week the amount of power transmission is not enough to power our machines,” said Sunkuyia.

Jonathan Leuka, a hotelier said that the power shortages in the area has affected food storage as the refrigerators cannot function without power supply.

Leuka added that the power shortage does not allow business operations beyond 6:00 pm in the evening as darkness takes over soon.

Mary Koila, a resident in the area said the erratic power supply has caused insecurity in the area.

“When we have the security lights the thieves and muggers are repelled, in its absence break-ins and muggings are rampant,” said Koila.

Riampei Sokorde, a bar owner, claimed that the neighboring towns get power supply full time but Olmesutie Centre remains in the dark only getting power supply partially.

Sokorde added that the transformer that serves the area seems faulty as sometimes it produces sparks and some cracking sounds.

The residents urge the KPLC to replace the transformer as it poses risks to the people and also deemed to be the cause of the power blackouts in the area.

By John Kaleke

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