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Govt urged to expedite the completion of major projects in Transmara

Leaders from Narok County have tasked the National Government to help fast-track the completion of two multi-million projects in Transmara.

Speaking at Olmotonyi Primary School in Transmara South during a fund drive, which was attended by Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, the leaders bemoaned the slow pace of the construction of the Kilgoris-Lolgorian Road and Kilgoris-Lolgorian Water Supply and Sanitation Projects.

Led by Governor Patrick Ole Ntutu and Kilgoris Legislator Julius Sunkuli, the leaders questioned why the two projects are yet to be completed despite visits and assurances by senior government officials.

For instance, the Kilgoris-Lolgorian Water Supply and Sanitation Project, whose construction kicked off in January 2021, was set to be completed in July 2022. If completed, the project would serve close to 12,000 households.

However, the contractor pointed out land acquisition issues and delayed payments as major reasons that hindered the timely completion of the project, prompting him to request a four-month extension, which was granted.

The period has long collapsed, and the project, which was set to be handed over by the end of 2022, is yet to be completed.

The project is funded by the Government of Kenya in collaboration with the African Development Bank to the tune of Sh800 million.

This has drawn the concern of leaders from the region, who have asked the government to provide answers as to why the two projects are yet to be completed to allow residents to enjoy the value of the funds invested.

“We urge the government to help us unravel the truth behind the slow pace at which the two projects are being implemented.

Transmara is a great tourism attraction hub, but it’s shameful that we have the poorest road infrastructure, coupled with lack of water. If these two projects are done and dusted, our people and the country stand to benefit a great deal,” said Sunkuli.

Governor Ntutu revealed having held talks with Roads Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen over the ongoing works on the Kilgoris-Lolgorian Road, oozing optimism that a lasting solution will be found.

By Isaiah Nayika

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