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Kiambu County to launch UHC programme

Kiambu County is the first county to launch the Universal Healthcare Coverage (UHC) programme, just days ahead of the national official launch by President Ruto scheduled for October 20th of this year.

The grand launch of the programme dubbed Kiambu Afia, which took place in Kirigiti International Stadium, was a collaboration between the county government of Kiambu and the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF).

Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi termed the move as a milestone in his target to deliver health care to every citizen of Kiambu, regardless of their economic status.

“What you see today is an embodiment of a promise that no one in Kiambu County will again make an agonising decision in order to receive medical treatment,” stated Wamatangi.

He added that out of the 7,600 households that were registered by NHIF during the mass registration exercise last year, about 3,000 households have benefited under the ‘Afia Yetu, Jukumu Letu’ initiative.

“Already 3,000 vulnerable households have been registered under the ‘Kiambu afia’, also known as the ‘Wamatangi care’ programme, where we credit their NHIF cards with up to Sh. 100,000 annually to ensure they access health care free of charge,” the governor added.

The county boss also announced that all community health promoters will now be part of the county staff and will be receiving a monthly stipend as of next month.

The county has also fully equipped all of the county’s ambulances, and 24 more have been purchased to ensure that every ward has two functional ambulances.

“The county government will be spending about Sh200 million in each of our 116 hospitals for renovations and rehabilitation works, as well as to ensure that each hospital has up to 85 per cent medicine stock,” remarked Wamatangi.

On his part, NHIF Chairman Eng. Michael Kamau called upon the other county governments to emulate Kiambu County, as this will increase access to quality health care for all citizens.

“In order to attain our aspirations within the Kenya Vision 2030, it is vital that all counties focus on creating partnerships with the private sector, NGOs, and civil society groups so as to increase funding and sustain some of the health programmes that will aid in achieving the Social Pillar,” cited Kamau.

The Head of State is expected to officially launch Affordable Universal Healthcare during this year’s Mashujaa Day celebrations, with the theme for the day being Universal Health Care.

By Grace Naishoo

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