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1,500 people attended Plateau Mission Hospital’s free medical camp

More than 1,500 residents turned up for a free medical camp organized by the Gladys Boss Shollei Foundation in partnership with Lions International at Plateau Mission Hospital, Ainabkoi, Uasin Gishu County.

Uasin Gishu Women representative Gladys Boss Shollei, while addressing the media at the camp, said they saw it as a good idea to organise a free Medical camp that aims to provide essential healthcare services to the community.

“The event is targeted to bring help to the residents and offer free consultation as well as free medication to those who are in need,” she said.

The medical camp saw residents receive a wide range of medical examinations and tests, among them general surgery, Urology, Eye Screening, Mental Health, and General Medical Conditions.

“We are grateful to our partners for providing free services as well as medication, as this will enable us to reach all members of the community, “said Shollei.

Shollei noted that there is a need to sensitize people to the need to go for check-ups and think about their health to avoid health problems.

She said that they have registered 58 patients suffering from cataracts, a prevalent eye disease.

“We are collaborating with health specialists in creating awareness of mental health as we have realized that mental health affects a number of people. Being healthy is not all about physical health; mental health is very crucial as well,” she said.

She added that many patients have come forward, families have brought members of their families who they say or suspect have mental illness, and they have gotten medication as some of this can be managed through medication.

“Others might take more medication and long-term support with psychologists and counselors, and many have been able to receive that,” she said.

“We have also been able to sensitize the community that alcohol and drug addiction is an illness that can be treated with the right support,” she added.

She further noted that the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) has historically had many challenges, but the government and the Ministry of Health have a clear focus on dealing with the issue, so people should purchase the cover as there is a need to plan for when they become sick as sickness is inevitable.

By Judy Too

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